Thursday, March 29, 2012

Photographers I'm Really Enjoying

I have got a new addiction. I has everything to do with photography and following photographers. I have really enjoyed this new addiction because it is giving me a lot of new ideas and inspiration for some future projects I have in mind. I think that a big part of photography is looking at OTHERS work! Some may say that it's copying but I think that you can get ideas without doing the exact same thing. SO... here are some of the people that I religiously follow...

Gayle Vehar
I love my sister's photography and I look at her stuff probably more than she thinks but it gives me a lot of inspiration and she has been the biggest reason I am in photography. If you want to learn how to be a better photographer and are just starting out she's your woman! Now that i'm done bragging here she is...

Vivan Maier
She is dead so I can't meet her but I wish I could meet her and talk to her. She is mainly a street and lifestyle photographer and has such a unique style to her. To me what I love about her and what I have learned about her is that she didn't do this for anyone else. When you read about her and watch videos talking about her it just feels like this was just for her and didn't do photography to please several people. That's what I want to be able to do; to make it more for myself rather than to please others.
YouTube video about her...
Her Website....

Chris Engman
I really like his concepts and that there is some major creativity going into his series of photographs. They are some that are very simple ideas and there are some that are just crazy complex but they are all genius! 

Michael Slade
This is my current photography teacher and I have really appreciated his help this semester in refining my photography skills. He shoots almost completely with 1900 cameras. It's pretty crazy what he does and the amazing photographs that he gets. I love that he is more about his head and ideas rather than his high tech equipment although those really make his photographs sometimes and how he develops them. He has a couple of blogs/websites and so here are a couple...
Great Salt Lake Project...
Utah Bigfoot Project...

These are just four but I have been following so many more that have really helped and inspired me this semester as I have grown in my photography this semester.

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