Thursday, October 27, 2011


Okay so I have been engaged for 3 weeks which means this blog post should have come about 2 weeks ago but on my list of things to do this came at the end. So now that I have finished midterms and have done some of the big wedding planning stuff I can finally tell anyone who reads my blogs about my fiancee and our engagement story.  So here is the water down version of our story thus far...

Nathan and I met in our apartment complex in August 2010 officially. My first memories of us were the spring of 2010 when he was my FHE dad but he didn't really take notice to me. We more specifically got to know each other because we had the same calling in our ward. We were the ward prayer co-chairs from September to April. We flirted about everyday harmlessly (we're just two flirty people) up until October when he said that he wasn't going to take me on my first date as a 20 year-old (he wouldn't date me as a teenager). So our first date was after my 20th birthday and we went salsa dancing which was fun but a little awkward. We went on one more date and then didn't really pursue anything after that and just remained friends.

So one random night I got a text from him asking if I would come and watch a movie with him called "Goal" and that was the start of our relationship. That night was our first kiss and December 12th we started dating. We "broke up" for about a month and a half but we were still exclusively dating and then in the beginning of May we became official again and fell in love pretty quickly after that.

So with all of that information it brings us to the night we got engaged. We had been talking about it and I kind of knew it was coming but he still caught me really off guard. Apparently he asked my dad the Saturday of General Conference weekend if he could marry me and so on Thursday October 6, 2011 he proposed!

At 6:45pm that day he delivered a note to my apartment requesting my presence to go on a walk and have hot chocolate. I knew something was up when he said that I should look nice and I got really excited because I just had a feeling that tonight was the night Nathan was going to do it. So I got all dressed up and went to his apartment at 8pm and then we decided that we should go for a walk first so we went up to the temple and just walked around and then we got to a fountain and I turned around he was down on one knee....tying his shoe. I told him he wasn't allowed to fake propose and so we went back to our complex to have hot chocolate. He said that he needed to go brush his teeth real quick and would be at my apartment soon. Well I didn't see him for an hour and a half!

After I called a million times and stopped by his apartment, he finally showed up and I was needless to say a little upset. He said he was on campus printing some stuff and to make me feel better he read me a poem he wrote me called an "Ode to Eternity" (he was originally going to read it after he proposed but knew he had to get back in my good side). His friend then called and said we needed to come to the duck pond south of campus and check something out so we went (I really didn't want to go because I was upset with Nathan and by this point KNEW that he wasn't going to propose). When we got there we walked around for awhile found a glow-in-the-dark question mark floating in the pond so we fished it out and took pictures with it and I was a little confused as to what was happening (I thought he was going to ask me to homecoming). Nathan then just stuck the question mark in his pocket and said that we should go to Rock Canyon Park. So we headed up there.

When we got there we just walked around the bowl part of Rock Canyon and I knew something was up but I finally saw on the south side BIG white letters spelling WILL and then on the west side I saw YOU and on the north side I saw MARRY. We then walked up to the east side hill by a rock I first told Nathan I loved him and his friends that came up with us were going to take a picture of us and so I turned to hand them my camera and I turned back around and Nathan was down on his knee and he said, "Brooke Eddington will you marry me?" and I said "Yes, Of course I will!"

We are getting married on January 6, 2012 in the Salt Lake Temple. I am super excited and very much in love with Nathan Gordon!

Some quick facts about Nathan:
1. He is from Aurora Colorado
2. His birthday is August 21, 1988 and is 23 years old
3. He served his mission in Bilbao, Spain and speaks Spanish
4. He loves soccer
5. He is half Colombian and a little Irish
6. He is studying Chemistry and graduates April 2012
7. He wants to be a Neurologist in pathology (I think that's right)

Now after this RIDICULOUSLY LONG POST here are some pictures!

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