Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nature and Some Quality Camera Time

I'm no where near being over my little photography block. I still have serious doubts but I have been able to take more pictures. As I have taken more pictures the doubts have gone away A LITTLE! I visited my sister Gayle on Saturday because I knew I needed to get over my block (also it was the 24th and I had nothing to do). So I observed and assisted Gayle on a family shoot she did for some neighbors, ate some delicious food, met new people, and then me and Gayle went and took pictures. I was unsure, and probably asked to many questions (or not enough, who knows).We shot pictures in this little hay field (I think) and it was absolutely beautiful even though it may not be pleasing to many. But I enjoyed going out with my sister and gaining some of my confidence back. I'm sure it will come little by little. I don't know if these are any good but here are some pictures I took that night with my cool sister Gayle who let me tag along with her!

I actually didn't take this picture when I went with my sister. This was the next day while on my trip to the temple.

I'm open to any feedback you may have!


Laurel C. said...

Yay! Good for you, Brooke, for getting back on the proverbial horse. You're a great photographer; it'd be a shame to let your talent go by the wayside.

I love your picture of the fence post with the mountains blurred in the background. Great perspective and compostion. I love it.

I need to take your lead and start writing stuff too. I'm feeling better about it; I just need to DO it. You're an inspiration.

Brooke :) said...

Thank you so much Laurel! I'm slowly believing I do have talent again!

I think your writing is great and would LOVE to read more but I understand where you are at!