Thursday, August 19, 2010

"What Are Men To Rocks and Mountains?"

So I enjoyed my only week break of the summer two weeks ago! I spent it hiking at least 30 miles, carrying a 30lbs+ pack, eating freeze-dried food, no shower, no toilet, getting VERY sunburned, and seeing some of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCENERY! This may all seem not very fun but it's the week I dream of and can't wait for! I love the perfectness of being in the mountains and seeing God's creations untouched by man. I love it all despite my lack of a bathroom.

I understand I'm probably some weird mutated girl because I LOVE camping and backpacking and don't mind not having a bathroom for a week. But I don't care because there are few people in the world that have seen everything I have seen. I haven't seen it all but I've seen some of the most beautiful sights!

This year we went to the Tetons specifically Alaska Basin. It was a GREAT week!! I also got super tan! We hiked to the back of the Tetons (the side people don't see in Jackson Hole). We took a hike around the Basin and just witnessed God's greatest creations! I love it and I loved taking pictures of it all.

(These were all taken with my simple digital camera not my SLR, it was too much weight, but I think I got some pretty nice shots with my smaller camera!)

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Apparently this is super poisonous if you eat it...
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The wild flowers up there were REALLY in bloom! It was so beautiful!
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This one is really grainy but I love it so oh well!
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This is my favorite picture by far!!


GayleV said...

I love the last one and the one of the poisonous flower. Great shots.

Anonymous said...

The flower out of the rocks followed by the plant reaching toward the sky are awesome shots! Reminds me of life.

Camille said...


I loved the picture of the sky and the clouds. I also loved the last one as well. You are an amazing photographer.


Tiffany said...

Those are super gorgeous.
As are you.
And I love camping more than I can tell you. It's the way I would choose to spend most of my time if I could.