Friday, February 11, 2011


Rejection is hard. Life is hard. I think to much. Honestly that should be about my whole post but I like to write too much for me to do that. I applied to the Visual Arts program this last November and unfortunately was not accepted. Since then, my brain has been on overactive thinking mode. So much has just happened in the last two months of my life that my brain can't help but over think or keep up. I'm a worrier by nature. I like to plan and know what's going on because I don't want to be hurt or disappointed. So I plan WAY in advance and I worry myself with details that I could go without thinking about at least for a time. It's never ending thoughts that rarely ceases even when I'm sleeping. Can you see my problem? I hope so because I don't know how to put it any more blunt than that.

So all two of you who choose to read my blog I'm sure are wondering where I'm even going with this and why you should care. Well in order to get some stuff off my mind I'm going to just let you choose and pick my major for me. I'm interested in seeing what other people see me doing. I have like about 10 different options going for me right now and I go between all of them about twice a day. Needless to say my brain hurts and is seriously confused! SO if any of you happen to feel so inclined and have an opinion just comment and tell me what major you think I should do and any advice you can give. Here is a list of some random facts about myself to help you choose the best major for me:

2. I really enjoy Photography
3. I hate math/science
4. I like people
5. I actually like the news
6. I strongly dislike numbers
7. I really like kids
8. I like to convince people I'm right 
9. Very Competitive
10. Like to travel/want to do A LOT MORE!
11. I don't do well with taking tests
12. I'm a pretty happy person
13. I am a good listener/give pretty good advice
14. I don't like seeing gross things
15. Not a big fan of fixing things
16. I'm humble (as you can obviously tell by this list)

The MANY Options you get to pick from (in no particular order of interest to me):

1. Chemistry
2. Advertising
3. Print Journalism
4. Electrical Engineering 
5. Broadcast Journalism
6. Exercise and Wellness
7. Art Education
8. English
9. Visual Arts-Photography
10. Interior Design

There you have it. Now it's your turn to be proactive and make this decision for me! Have fun and I can't wait to see what people have to say, that's to say if people actually read this blog.

Random thought for the day:

He quoted Ezra Taft Benson,
“We must be careful, as we seek to become more and more [Christlike], that we do not become discouraged and lose hope. Becoming Christlike is a lifetime pursuit and very often involves growth and change that is slow, almost imperceptible...We must not lose hope. Hope is an anchor to the souls of men. Satan would have us cast away that anchor. In this way he can bring discouragement and surrender. But we must not lose hope. The Lord is pleased with every effort, even the tiny, daily ones in which we strive to be more like Him.”


scapegoat130 said...

given fact #3,6,11, and 15 I would NOT do chemistry... But knowing you the first thing that came to mind was Journalism... exercise and wellness has a nice ring to it as well. GOOD LUCK!

Brooke :) said...

HAHA Well I never said that all of those choices were actually realistic choices!

Cindy said...

Going with what Ogden said, I also would rule out electrical engineering in lieu of #3, 6, 11, and 15 . . . LOL!

I only know you a bit, but your photography is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. One of the reasons I picked Jennifer for our photographer was because of her blog posts about her subjects. I liked how she made her photography personal by sharing part of her own emotion about her experience with her subjects. Did you ever see her blog? Here is a link:

Here is the link to Abbey's story, from her perspective:

It would be interesting for you to contact her and see if she needs another "extra photographer", like she had at our reception. I know when we spoke to her, she was trying to expand her business to other countries, even! Talk about travel :-)

My two cents . . .

Laurel C. said...

1. Chemistry
2. Advertising
3. Print Journalism
4. Electrical Engineering
5. Broadcast Journalism
6. Exercise and Wellness
7. Art Education
8. English
9. Visual Arts-Photography
10. Interior Design

Well, let's cross off numbers 1 and 4 immediately. If you don't like numbers, then those professions will likely cause you an aneurism.

Advertising? As in, "take the pictures for ads?" I can see that being interesting work for you. Staged food and all that. Could be great! Print journalism and advertising could both be great marriages between a love of photography and writing.

It's a great list, but I vote for items 2 and 3. But, of course, do NOT take your blog readership's word for it. Choosing your major is a big deal and determines a lot of post-college happiness. It takes a lot of thought, pondering, and prayer. (I'm sure you know.) I changed my major my third year of college (from Nutrition to English) and am so glad that I did!

Good luck!

Brooke Eddington said...

#1 and #4 were complete jokes. They were "recommended for consideration" from a friend. They are so opposite from me that it was just funny to put on the list. Thanks Cindy for saying that and those links, I love looking at other's photography.

Laurel: I definitely won't go off specifically my blog readers suggest but it's interesting to see what other people think. It's definitely my choice and is under a lot of consideration but I just thought it would be fun to get people's reaction. I'm actually really glad to hear that you changed your major in your 3rd year it makes me not having a major really seem less terrible or irregular because that's how I have been feeling!

Carissa said...

#14 on your list of things made me laugh. haha.

Going off this, I think you would do well in journalism. Even better if you could do sports journalism, though there are still tons of people who think women can't write sports. I know you could, and you could write it well. Interview athletes, take pictures of them, write it down so people will want to read it... golden. You got all those skillz, girl. haha.

Also, I really liked what that presenter in food science said yesterday -- he ended up gravitating towards a scientific field because it was something that came easily to him, even though he didn't necessarily want to go into it at first. Maybe consider what things come easily to you and see how that affects your decision.

Good luck :)

GayleV said...

Print Journalism with an emphasis in sports! You might enjoy Advertising, too. You have to remember that there isn't a "1-right-choice" here. There might be 3 things that you'd like and be good at, but in order to graduate you do have to pick one. Pick something that you love and works with your "likes" and personality. Pursue it and learn all you can. Also, from a longer term perspective, you aren't LOCKED into working in your major for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. If you want to do something else later on, you can learn and become good at something outside of a college setting!! I speak from experience ;)!!!

Tiffany said...

If you don't like tests then, don't do interior design. The tests in those classes are insane. I spend 2 weeks before the tests doing the minimum for all my other classes hoping to pass the interior design test.
Photography would be really cool, and you could do a lot in the other majors with it.
I also think you'd be good at journalism. But in the end, pick something you love.

M.D. said...

I'd definitely say Advertising, it's versatile and a ton of fun.