Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some Seniors

So these are LONG LONG LONG overdue but as I am sitting on my couch doing absolutely nothing except going through my pictures I remembered I had never posted any of these. These are pictures of the most beautiful girl I know and I have known her since the age of 5 and she was 3. We have been neighbors forever and friends just as long. Her name is Angelihah and mine to her is Brooklebean (crap... I just let my secret nickname slip...). She is graduating which makes me feel old but I couldn't have been more happy when she asked me to do her senior pictures! I think she is gorgeous and so should you!










I think she is gorgeous and despite the awful smell of the Great Salt Lake this is actually a really great place to take pictures. About as "beachy" as Utah gets sadly!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Hey Brooke!

You have "it", that's for sure. I should have hired you for Abbey's wedding! Amazing shots of this young lady. Great eye!